No proof when the conjecture is $true
jonaprieto opened this issue · 3 comments
The output of the current version outputs nothing for true conjecture
like in the following file:
$ cat basic-01.tptp
fof(goal, conjecture, $true).
$ metis --version
metis 2.4 (release 20180810)
$ metis basic-01.tptp
% SZS status Theorem for basic-01.tptp
This used to be different. If we use a previous version we got something different
like the following (I'm using here my online-atps tool to call SystemOnTPTP, which
has Metis v2.4. Surely, an outdated version).
$ online-atps --version-atp=online-metis
And ...
$ online-atps --atp=online-metis test/prop-pack/problems/basic/basic-01.tptp
% SZS output start CNFRefutation for /tmp/SystemOnTPTPFormReply11095/SOT_A4iF9J
fof(goal, conjecture, ($true)).
fof(subgoal_0, plain, ($true), inference(strip, [], [goal])).
fof(negate_0_0, plain, (~ $true), inference(negate, [], [subgoal_0])).
fof(normalize_0_0, plain, ($false),
inference(canonicalize, [], [negate_0_0])).
cnf(refute_0_0, plain, ($false),
inference(canonicalize, [], [normalize_0_0])).
% SZS output end CNFRefutation for /tmp/SystemOnTPTPFormReply11095/SOT_A4iF9J
By default Metis only reports the status of a problem:
$ metis TRUE.tptp
% SZS status Theorem for TRUE.tptp
You can also ask it to output proofs like so:
$ metis --show proof TRUE.tptp
% SZS status Theorem for TRUE.tptp
% SZS output start CNFRefutation for TRUE.tptp
fof(goal, conjecture, ($true)).
fof(subgoal_0, plain, ($true), inference(strip, [], [goal])).
fof(negate_0_0, plain, (~ $true), inference(negate, [], [subgoal_0])).
fof(normalize_0_0, plain, ($false),
inference(canonicalize, [], [negate_0_0])).
cnf(refute_0_0, plain, ($false),
inference(canonicalize, [], [normalize_0_0])).
% SZS output end CNFRefutation for TRUE.tptp
I assume that is how Metis is configured on SystemOnTPTP, but I don't know how to check this.
Actually, the calling invocation is right on the front page of SystemOnTPTP:
metis --show proof --show saturation %s
This confirms the arguments needed to output the proof (or saturating model for invalid conjectures).
Ops! but of course, I forgot the arguments.
Sorry. It's been a while since the last time I used Metis.
It'll update my settings.