
Vim text insert not working in inkscape

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Edit: This post formatted weird in several ways and I'm unsure
of how to fix it so i apologize in advance

I cant seem to get the vim text feature inside of inkscape working. Every other feature seems to be working except this.
It simply does nothing when 't' is pressed.

I have viewed all the information I could find on the gillescastel /inkscape-shortcut-manager section of
this site including previous Issues posted but cant seem to figure out the problem.

Not sure what information one would need to help me but
if it helps my OS is lubuntu, the terminal is alacritty, and i am runnning awesome wm.

I made a file called 'minimal-tex-vimrc' located at ~.vim/mininal-tex-vimrc

the file contains

set ft=tex
" Quickly closing the window by jamming wq
inoremap wq :wq
nnoremap wq :wq
inoremap qw :wq
nnoremap qw :wq

     " Start insert mode between $$'s
     autocmd BufEnter * startinsert | call cursor(1, 2)

     nnoremap j gj
     nnoremap k

I also have located at ~/inkscape-shortcut-manager/
this file contains

import sys
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

def open_editor(filename):[
'-geometry', '60x5',
'-name', 'popup-bottom-center',
'-e', "vim",
def latex_document(latex):
return r"""

    \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
    \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}

""" + latex + r"\end{document}"

config = {
# For example '~/.config/rofi/ribbon.rasi' or None
'rofi_theme': None,
# Font that's used to add text in inkscape
'font': 'monospace',
'font_size': 10,
'open_editor': open_editor,
'latex_document': latex_document,


def import_file(name, path):
import importlib.util as util
spec = util.spec_from_file_location(name, path)
module = util.module_from_spec(spec)
return module

CONFIG_PATH = Path('~/.config/inkscape-shortcut-manager').expanduser()

if (CONFIG_PATH / '').exists():
userconfig = import_file('config', CONFIG_PATH / '').config

I also have a file named external_rules located at ~/.config/awesome/external_rules
this file contains

#! /bin/bash


 if [ "$instance" = "popup-bottom-center" ]; then
         echo "state=floating"
         read W H <<< $(xdotool getdisplaygeometry)
        eval "$(xdotool getwindowgeometry --shell $wid )"
         xdotool windowmove $wid $(($W / 2 - $WIDTH / 2)) $(($H - $HEIGHT))

the last relevant file (i think) is which is located at ~/inkscape-shortcut-manager/
This file is an unchanged version of the one provided.
when it runs and i attempted to open the vim text box it outputted several times the following


For more information try --help
error: Found argument '-g' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context

If you tried to supply `-g` as a value rather than a flag, use `-- -g`

Sorry if i added way too much garbage to this post but im really trying to make sure
that there is enough info to work with.
I am also extremely new to linux/vim/github/coding etc so
also im sorry if the problem is obvious and im just being dumb.

Thank you.

Update - i switched to qterminal from alacritty and the text in inkscape
feature seems to be functional however it opens a window on half the screen
and does not place me in insert mode, or between the cursors.
the output of is now

X protocol error:
<class 'Xlib.error.BadWindow'>: code = 3, resource_id = <class 'Xlib.xobject.resource.Resource'>(0x01400007), sequence_number = 202, major_opcode = 25, minor_opcode = 0
X protocol error:
<class 'Xlib.error.BadWindow'>: code = 3, resource_id = <class 'Xlib.xobject.resource.Resource'>(0x01400007), sequence_number = 203, major_opcode = 25, minor_opcode = 0
X protocol error:
<class 'Xlib.error.BadWindow'>: code = 3, resource_id = <class 'Xlib.xobject.resource.Resource'>(0x01400007), sequence_number = 207, major_opcode = 25, minor_opcode = 0
X protocol error:
<class 'Xlib.error.BadWindow'>: code = 3, resource_id = <class 'Xlib.xobject.resource.Resource'>(0x01400007), sequence_number = 208, major_opcode = 25, minor_opcode = 0
X protocol error:
<class 'Xlib.error.BadWindow'>: code = 3, resource_id = <class 'Xlib.xobject.resource.Resource'>(0x01400007), sequence_number = 213, major_opcode = 25, minor_opcode = 0
X protocol error:
<class 'Xlib.error.BadWindow'>: code = 3, resource_id = <class 'Xlib.xobject.resource.Resource'>(0x01400007), sequence_number = 214, major_opcode = 25, minor_opcode = 0
X protocol error:
<class 'Xlib.error.BadWindow'>: code = 3, resource_id = <class 'Xlib.xobject.resource.Resource'>(0x01400007), sequence_number = 215, major_opcode = 25, minor_opcode = 0

update - i now switched from alacritty to urxvt
and this is now what happens when I press t:

  • urxvt opens on the left half the screen instead of a small window,
  • not in insert mode
  • and not between the dollar signs.
  • doesn't output errors anymore.