

Primary LanguageVue


Homework KEY Point

  • HTML & CSS => ok
  • Fluid Layout => ok
  • Consistently IE9+ and modern browsers => ok (iView v3 & Bootstrap v3 Supported IE8+)
  • Function 1, Deleted a resource => ok
  • Function 2, Add new resources => ok
  • Function 3, Use resources filter => ok (Extra)
  • Responsive design => ok (Bootstrap Grid system)
  • Javascript & Vue Unit Test => ok

Development Choice

  • Vuejs
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Vuex
  • Bootstrap & iView
  • @vue/test-utils & jest

Brief Explanation

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# create the input data via text file
$ node data.config.js

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
$ npm run dev

# Vue unit test
$ npm run unit

# build for production
$ npm run build