
A new website for Gin 🩵

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi everyone!

For such an important and widely used framework as Gin, it would be great if the website matched its relevance and potential. Right now, it’s using a Hugo template that feels a bit outdated and has several issues where some features don’t work properly.

A fresh, modern, well-structured and visually appealing website makes onboarding easier for new developers by making documentation more accessible and understandable, also improves perception and trust in the framework by projecting a modern and reliable image, the site could make a difference in attracting new developers and improve overall developer experience. 🩵

My idea is to migrate the site and documentation to Astro, using the Starlight template, which is ideal for documentation. I’ve already started the migration and deployment, and it’s nearly complete. I just need to add a few small details and make a few minor corrections. Before submitting a pull request, I’d love to get feedback from the community and the project maintainers on this idea to ensure it aligns with everyone’s expectations. Plus, I’d be happy to maintain the new site moving forward to keep it up to date! @appleboy


Deploy (Currently, my deployment is on Vercel, but it is compatible with GitHub Pages.)



This looks great, thank you for the contribution! One note: in dark mode the logo needs inverted or it looks wonky.

This looks great, thank you for the contribution! One note: in dark mode the logo needs inverted or it looks wonky.

@austinheap I added some white to the image to improve the appearance. However, I'm wondering if the outline might also need a color inversion. This is the current version—please let me know if you think any additional changes are needed.


thank you for the contribution!
if we change the new website, we should rename (only @javierprovecho ).
i also like the logo gin-gonic/logo#6

i also like the logo gin-gonic/logo#6

@thinkerou I've finished the remaining corrections, and I believe it's ready. I've just opened the pull request. For now, I've kept the current logo as a placeholder until we have a final decision on the logo design. If needed, I can update it once we reach a consensus on which logo to use. Let me know if there are any further changes!

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Any updates regarding merging this? A new polished look with better documentation will be really helpful as Gin seems to be one of the most widely used framework in Go ecosystem but lacks documentation and modern touch.

I'd be happy to assist with the UI design for this project. Let me know if there's any specific area you'd like me to focus on