
A zsh theme for OH-My-ZSH that is git aware

Seti_UX for iTerm2

Seti_UX (originally named RainCoat) is an iTerm2 color scheme that is inspired by the Seti_UX color scheme for Sublime Text 3.

Thanks to @unixorn 👍 for adding ZSH-BlackRain to Awesome-ZSH-Plugins

Thanks to @ctf0 for accepting the PR on the Seti_UX readme 👍



git support

iterm setting

iterm colors

The screenshots show my Oh My Zsh theme - BlackRain.


Available for: Hype Termainl - To install, just add the .hyper.js to your USER folder. hypeterm example

macOS Terminal - just double click Seti_UX.terminal to install macOS Terminal example