
📷 An few simple terminal commands so you can take screen shots from Alfred App and edit them in Privew.

Screen Capture and Edit for Alfred / Alfred 2

Updated for Alfred 2 workflows

Created this little productivity saver to help write documentation. I'm not a fan of having an app just sitting in the menu bar... not to mention most of the features are built right into the OS.

All this workflow is just a list of a few simple terminal commands so you can take screen capture/shot from Alfred and edit them in Preview.


  1. Alfred (free)
  2. Powerpack (£17)


To install in Alfred double click on the extension file.
Tp install in Alfred 2 double click on the workflow file.

How to use

######Alfred 1

snap fs   ::  Take a screen shot of your full screen
snap w    ::  Take a screen shot of any open window
snap s    ::  Take a screen shot of a selection of your screen

######Alfred 2

Alfred screenshot 2
select the action you want to do... and hit Enter

If you're doing a time screen capture you'll need to set the length in seconds

A few things new in Alfred 2 to keep in mind:
**Currently have the file names set to the date and time **

Edit Image Name

  1. Open each Action Run Script inside of the workflow so you see:

     	now=$(date +"%m_%d_%y at %I.%M.%S%p")
     	screencapture -icWP ~/Desktop/$now.png
     	# echo something
     	echo  $now.png
  2. Edit the line: screencapture -icWP ~/Desktop/$now.png and change $now.png

    • ie: $now.png becomes screen-shot.jpg

Edit Default Image App

######Change the following on all three commands:

screencapture -icP ~/Desktop/selection-snap.png
echo "Snap Saved to your Desktop"

######Add the following values:

	screencapture -ic  ~/YOUR NEW FOLDER PATH/custom_file_name.extensionType
	echo "Snap Saved to your YOUR NEW FOLDER PATH"
	open -a YOUR APPLICATION NAME ~/YOUR NEW FOLDER PATH/custom_file_name.extensionType


If you want to save to your Desktop and Edit in Photoshop

if [ $response == "fs" ]
	screencapture -ic ~/Desktop/fullscreen-snap.png
	echo "Snap Saved to your Desktop"
	open -a "Adobe Photoshop CS6" ~/Desktop/fullscreen-snap.png	
elif [ $response == "w" ]
	screencapture -ic ~/Desktop/window-snap.png
	echo "Snap Saved to your Desktop"
	open -a "Adobe Photoshop CS6" ~/Desktop/window-snap.png	
elif [ $response == "s" ]
	screencapture -ic ~/Desktop/selection-snap.png
	echo "Snap Saved to your Desktop"
	open -a "Adobe Photoshop CS6" ~/Desktop/selection-snap.png
	echo "Query must be: fs (fullscreen), w (window) or s (selection)."

Download and Help

Direct Download → Screen Capture
Alfred Forums → comment on the topic