
PJON + PJON Cython + TSA

akadlec opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi @gioblu
right now i'm moving my master code to python with pjon_cython package. Everything is working fine, but with a small issue. Master is resending packets :/ It looks like when acknowledge function is enabled there is some issue with timing and master is maybe to fast? Do you have any advice?

Ciao @akadlec sorry for the very late answer, I must have missed this.
If master re-transmits packets you may try setting TSA_RESPONSE_TIME_OUT to a higher value than default (that is 45000 or 45 milliseconds), that should help. In some cases a transmitter when running on real-time operative systems needs more than 45 milliseconds to be able to get the ack. I suggest you to also switch to PJON v13.0 TS which is an updated version of TSA and switch to the new version of PJON-cython.

Let me know how it goes, and sorry again for the late response.

Hi @gioblu, thanks for you reply. Right now I'm not able to configure timeout :/ on rpi I'm using PJON_cython and this port does not support this configuration :(

Hi @gioblu
So I did some other tests on my dev env. Just to be clear, my master is RPi with pjon_cython v12 using TSA and right now one slave is Uno with v12 too.

So I had still some issues with message sync or async ack a got a lot of PJON_Connection_Lost states. So I tried to change baud rate from 115200 to 38400 and result is better. Sync ack is now working without any error.

The parameter TSA_RESPONSE_TIME_OUT is set to 100000 by default in PJON_cython and can not be changed in runtime.

And also I did some tests with v13 on both sides with same results, everything is working for lower baud rate.

Ciao @akadlec thank you very much for your report.
In this iteration I will work to enable quicker baud rate without errors.