Question: PJONThroughSerial half duplex UART
saeugetier opened this issue · 1 comments
Can PJON handle Half Duplex UART Communication? I have connected the ESP32 TX pin to RX pin via 1k Ohm resistor. The half duplex uart line is then connected to a second bus device, which is a STM32 with TX/RX on the same pin.
The communication works when sending messages from the first (ESP32) device via broadcast, then the second device (STM32) receives all messages. Second device will have a communication timeout when receiving messages with its own device address.
Looking at the bis with a logic analyzer will show, that the second device will try to answer. But the answer is not evaluated by the ESP32.
I think, it is not allowed to loop back the TX data into RX. RX has to be disable during TX. Is that correct?
Found that the stm32duino half duplex UART driver disables receive when sending bytes.