
Nwd stands for Northwind 😜 This solution's idea is to exercise a few concepts using modern tools, frameworks and libraries. I'm using microservices approach. Each microservice has a different pattern to solve different problems.

Why Dapr? It fits this architecture because it solves an essential part of configuring services, such as queue topics, to support publish/subscriber patterns. It avoids a lot of boilerplate code.


  1. Structure
  2. Inventory microservice
  3. Orders microservice


├── .static :: support files.
├── components :: dapr components for local development.
├── infrastructure :: Azure infrastructure.
        â””── templates :: individual bicep templates that are deployed.
├── pipelines :: azure devops pipeline definitions and templates.
├── src :: dotnet solution and source files.
└── README.md

Basket microservice

It handles basket operations.

  • It simulates a Data-Driven (CRUD) scenario.
  • Consumes Dapr State Service API.
  • TODO: Once basket is submitted to checkout it publishes a message in the topic order-submitted.

Inventory microservice

It handles product and inventory operations.

  • It simulates a very complext domain.
  • Pusblishes a ProductCreatedEvent into a topic new-product-topic for every new product created.
  • Uses isolation level to deal with concurrency transactions due to stock level operations.

Orders microservice

It handles orders operations.

  • It simulates a CRUD.
  • Subscribes a topic new-product-topic.
  • Once a order is submitted a state machine (SAGA) starts to reserve the items in the inventory and process payment.
  • TODO: Subscribes a topic order-submitted.


Follow the steps below to setup you development enviroment.


Let's have fun

Open Visual Studion Solition and run docker-compose. Solution will start and attach all application with debugging support.

Deploying from your local

Login-AzAccount -Subscription "??"

$templateArgs = @{
	SolutionName      = '??'
	EnvironmentName   = 'lab'
	BuildId 		  = ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString('MMddHHmm')

$deploymentArgs = @{
  TemplateArgs      = $templateArgs
  SubscriptionId    = '??'
  ResourceGroupName = '??'
  BicepFilePath     = '.\templates\main.infrastructure.bicep'
  TemplateOutFile   = '.\out\main.json'

.\Deploy-Infrastructure.ps1 @deploymentArgs -Verbose

$templateArgs = @{
	SolutionName      			= '??'
	EnvironmentName   			= 'lab'
	BuildId 		  			= ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString('MMddHHmm')
	KeyVaultName                = '??'
	imageVersion                = '??'
	containerRegistryLoginServer= '??'
	containerAppEnvName         = '??'
	containerAppEnvUsrMngtIdName= '??'

$deploymentArgs = @{
	TemplateArgs      = $templateArgs
	SubscriptionId    = '??'
	ResourceGroupName = '??'
	BuildId 		      = ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString('MMddHHmm')
	BicepFilePath     = './templates/main.application.bicep'
	TemplateOutFile   = './out/main.json'

.\Deploy-Infrastructure.ps1 @deploymentArgs -Verbose


This solution uses Azure DevOps pipelines integrated with GH. You can check out YML pipelines into deployment\pipelines folder. Run the pipelines following:


  1. Getting started - https:/docs.dapr.io/getting-started/
  2. Dapr Official Web Site - https://dapr.io/
  3. Youtube presentation about Dapr and Container App
  4. MS Dapr Application Example