
Decide where Distances should be located

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Currently Distances is only copied code of Mathopshere. If the code is edited at one point, the two version might differ which can lead to problems.

The code already diverged recently:

@physikerwelt remove it from mathosphere and just link to mathmlsim?

@vstange good idea. Could you make a PR?

@physikerwelt The mathpd package contains some dependencies that I did not know before. If we combine the classes on MathMLSim, I would have to abstract or drag the pojos like ArvixDocument into MathMLSim. Here I would act according to what you like more?

Nevertheless, I'll do first a merge for MathMLSim, which will make everything smooth and then the one for mathosphere.

@physikerwelt The mathpd package contains some dependencies that I did not know before. If we combine the classes on MathMLSim, I would have to abstract or drag the pojos like ArvixDocument into MathMLSim. Here I would act according to what you like more?

Let's discuss that here gipplab/mathosphere#167

Nevertheless, I'll do first a merge for MathMLSim, which will make everything smooth and then the one for mathosphere.

@vstange Where and when?

@vstange what is the status about this ticket. Is it still relevant? Should it be moved to JIRA?

@AndreG-P, do we have an approach for that? The problem was (if I remember correctly) that sonatype was somehow dysfunctional?

@physikerwelt This project is part of MathMLTools:
And mathosphere imports MathML tools.

If you mean the issue with deploy to maven central, I dont really know what the issue was.

So the most recent version is this repository. Thank you