
Sent Message Visualization - historical/real time status trends

Closed this issue · 2 comments


As CLINIC ADMIN, I would like to visualize historical data of message succeed and failed, so I can measure the effectiveness of Cageur (angka kontak)
As CLINIC ADMIN, I would like to choose hourly, daily, monthly, yearly trends of historical data, so I can easily analyze and make comparison

I think we can create two visualizations for this:

  1. Using stack bar chart:
  • Grouped stacks represents status of messages: pending, failed, delivered (3 groups)
  • Y axis is number of patients
  • X axis is time (units: hourly, daily, monthly, yearly)
  1. Using stack bar chart:
  • Grouped stacks represents disease groups
  • Y axis is number of patients
  • X axis is time (units: hourly, daily, monthly, yearly)

The default should be showing today's data. Example of stacked chart:

Note: as per BPJS/kemenkes policy, angka kontak has become an important metrics to measure clinic performance, in the sense how many times do they reach out to patient over many registered patients.

Let me know what you think @tororudy @hashuro

this depends on #66 and #67

Hi @girikuncoro, I've update our analytics page with pie chart. Each slice consist of message aggregation (failed, pending, success) of daily and monthly data. Am I doing it as expected? Please have a look on it and let me know if I'm doing it wrong. Thanks.