In this project, we are implementing linear regression with one variable to predict profits for a food truck.The file ex1data1.txt contains the dataset for our linear regression problem. The first column is the population of a city and the second column is the profit of a food truck in that city. A negative value for profit indicates a loss. Dataset is like below :
Population (10,000s) | Profit (10,000s $) |
5.5277 | 13.662 |
8.5186 | 9.1302 |
6.1101 | 6.8233 |
Now we have to predict profit for given population city(including which is not traverse by our food truck).
Note:This problem statement and dataset is from coursera Andrew ng machine learning Coursework
- jupyter
- numpy
- matplotlib
Install dependencies using pip
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#load data from text file
data = np.loadtxt("ex1data1.txt",delimiter=",")
data = np.array(data)
#seperate the input (X) and output (Y)
X = data[::,:1]
Y = data[::,1:]
plt.xlabel("population in 10000's")
plt.ylabel("profit in 10000 $")
# introduce weights of hypothesis (randomly initialize)
Theta = np.random.rand(1,2)
# m is total example set , n is number of features
m,n = X.shape
# add bias to input matrix by simple make X0 = 1 for all
X_bias = np.ones((m,2))
X_bias[::,1:] = X
# output first 5 X_bias examples
array([[ 1. , 6.1101],
[ 1. , 5.5277],
[ 1. , 8.5186],
[ 1. , 7.0032],
[ 1. , 5.8598]])
#define function to find cost
def cost(X_bias,Y,Theta):
m,n = X.shape
hypothesis =
return (1/(2.0*m))*((np.square(hypothesis-Y)).sum(axis=0))
#function gradient descent algorithm from minimizing theta
def gradientDescent(X_bias,Y,Theta,iterations,alpha):
count = 1
cost_log = np.array([])
while(count <= iterations):
hypothesis =
temp0 = Theta[0,0] - alpha*(1.0/m)*((hypothesis-Y)*(X_bias[::,0:1])).sum(axis=0)
temp1 = Theta[0,1] - alpha*(1.0/m)*((hypothesis-Y)*(X_bias[::,-1:])).sum(axis=0)
Theta[0,0] = temp0
Theta[0,1] = temp1
cost_log = np.append(cost_log,cost(X_bias,Y,Theta))
count = count + 1
plt.title("Iteration vs Cost graph ")
plt.xlabel("Number of iteration")
plt.ylabel("Cost function")
return Theta
alpha = 0.01
iterations = 2000 #the value of iterations is 1500 enough. 2000 uses for demonstration
Theta = gradientDescent(X_bias,Y,Theta,iterations,alpha)
# predict the profit for city with 35000 and 75000 people
X_test = np.array([[1,3.5],[1,7.5]])
hypothesis =
print 'profit from 35000 people city is ',hypothesis[0,0]*10000,'$'
print 'profit from 75000 people city is ',hypothesis[1,0]*10000,'$'
profit from 35000 people city is 3601.80572428 $
profit from 75000 people city is 50825.2145934 $
# Plot showing hypothesis
X_axis = X
Y_axis =
plt.xlabel("population in 10000's")
plt.ylabel("profit in 10000 $")