
PF4J unable to recognize extensions, built using powertools

Mukarr opened this issue · 3 comments

I am using PF4J framework, to build a modular application with plugins. I am using build.moxie and build.xml to auto-generate pom.xml for the plugins. I also used your as a templete and defined extension as a separate public class.
When the jar is executed, the plugin is loaded successfully but PF4J does not recognize the extensions of the extension point defined.

This does not sound like a problem with the powertools plugin for Gitblit. This sounds like a question about using the PF4J framework. Are you reporting your issue to the right project?

I do not know for sure, what is the root cause of the problem. Did you ever came across any such problem or know the probable cause of the one?

I think you should follow-up on your PF4J issue with @decebals in his project.