
Moxie proxy support is incomplete

fbacchella opened this issue · 8 comments

When you define a proxy, you do it with :

  • {
    id: 'myproxy'
    active: true
    protocol: 'http'
    host: ''
    port: 8080
    username: 'proxyuser'
    password: 'somepassword'

My proxy is at http://somehost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public. Where can I define the path ?

I hadn't considered paths.

I modeled proxy support after Maven. How would you define the path in Maven's proxy settings? AFAICT you can't.

Like that :


I think we talk about to kind of things. There is the pure http proxies, to allow internet access. That's not the same kind of thing than a mirror, like nexus provides and provide consolidated view of different repository and does caching too.

Right. The settings you cited are for configuring http connection proxying.

Are you asking me about configuring MoxieProxy? (I never did document that.) Or are you asking about the connection proxying?

I would like to use nexus (already installed) instead of MoxieProxy, but that's the idea yes, a little documentation would be helpful.

The Moxie ant components don't support a mirror concept. What you could do is define a repository in build.moxie and declare it to be used first.

- { id:'nexus', url:'http://somehost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public' }

repositories: 'nexus', 'central'

Ok, it works. I would have preferred something in the general settings but it does the job.

Ok, I think we can do that too.

Move the above snippet to ~/.moxie/settings.moxie.

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