
Error: log writing failed. Attempt to unlock a mutex which is locked by another thread/fiber

rxa1031 opened this issue · 11 comments

Version 1.16.4

Opened Bash from within a folder where I want to use the bash script.

The bash script executes below command:

github_changelog_generator --user "$ORG" --project "$THIS_PROJECT" --no-verbose --token "$GITHUB_API_TOKEN" --future-release "$TAG" -o "$CHANGELOG_MD"

Observed error:

Please help fix the issue.


I have not had this issue when using version 1.13.2. But it is no longer supported.

What version of Ruby are you using?

The command
gem --version

reports version as 3.2.8

@rxa1031 The output of ruby --version is even more interesting.

$ ruby --version
ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision 95aff21468) [x64-mingw32]

$ git --version
git version

Please update Ruby to 3.0.2 if possible. I believe it will fix your problem.

Thanks, working on it

I had to take help from IT to install the latest Ruby+Devkit. The FortiEDR was blocking installation and updates (over TCPIP). The script now works fine.
I will come back if I observe the issue again.
Thanks for helping.


@olleolleolle FYI/reference there is a bug in the recursive mutex implementation in Ruby 3.0.0 and it was fixed in 3.0.1 see for more details.