
List of unreleased changes, not sure where they come from

whiskeysierra opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug shows a long list of unreleased changes.
But when I click on Full Changelog then Github correctly claims:

There isn’t anything to compare.

2.14.0 is up to date with all commits from HEAD.

To Reproduce
No clue, to be honest.
I've seen this from the very beginning, since I'm using the generator.
Maybe there is something screwed up with my history?
(I switched from merge to squash a while ago. Maybe that's related?)

Expected behavior
In my situation, I'd expect no unreleased changes after pushing a release.



Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: MacOS
  • Browser Firefox
  • Version 92.0.1 (64-bit)

I have a similar situation. Almost all new merged pull requests are listed under Unreleased while they should appear under the release tag as far as I understand it. Our pull requests are first merged to a development branch which is later merged into master which is used for releases. development is also the default branch of the repository. Could that have anything to do with it?

in my project:

  • release branch is master -> tag is added to this branch
  • default branch is develop

auto-generate only work if I change the default branch to master, or add a tag to branch develop.

I guess the auto-generate log will only fetch tags on the default branch.

Tags and branches are separate concepts in git. What do you mean with add a tag to branch?

I mean master is branch contains the tag.

can use this command to check which branch contain tag: git branch --contains tags/

and in my project: master is the branch which contain tag

for my project setup, Do you have any idea how to make it work?

Getting something similar to this in this commit when running against github/view_component. Running against 8e027ee.

Using these options:
:exclude_labels=>["duplicate", "question", "invalid", "wontfix", "Duplicate", "Question", "Invalid", "Wontfix", "Meta: Exclude From Changelog"]
:summary_labels=>["Release summary", "release-summary", "Summary", "summary"]
:breaking_labels=>["backwards-incompatible", "Backwards incompatible", "breaking"]
:enhancement_labels=>["enhancement", "Enhancement", "Type: Enhancement"]
:bug_labels=>["bug", "Bug", "Type: Bug"]
:deprecated_labels=>["deprecated", "Deprecated", "Type: Deprecated"]
:removed_labels=>["removed", "Removed", "Type: Removed"]
:security_labels=>["security", "Security", "Type: Security"]
:header=>"# Changelog"
:issue_prefix=>"**Closed issues:**"
:breaking_prefix=>"**Breaking changes:**"
:enhancement_prefix=>"**Implemented enhancements:**"
:bug_prefix=>"**Fixed bugs:**"
:security_prefix=>"**Security fixes:**"
:frontmatter=>"---\nlayout: default\ntitle: Changelog\n---\n"
:token=>"No token used"

It's of note that all changes listed there were introduced in v2.48.0, but I might be misunderstanding since_tag.

Make sure you can see the version tags when you are on the development branch. If you cannot then try merging in the tag using
git checkout destination_branch
git merge tag_name