
New Language: Log files (log4net / most log files)

noahkiss opened this issue · 2 comments

Language name

log4net , or most standard, semi-structured (ex. not json, think console log) log files

URL of example repository

URL of syntax highlighting grammar

Most popular extensions



This seems very likely to encompass many, many different logging formats. See how varied they are here: search.

or most standard, semi-structured […] log files

There's no such thing. Log files are notoriously varied in their format, structure and consistency, and log4net output is only a miniscule portion of the types of .log files Linguist is expected to encounter in-the-wild. Even "best guess" highlighting would be extremely hit-or-miss.

I know syntax highlighted log files would look spiffy on GitHub, but remember, Linguist's purpose is to identify data formats and programming languages. Log files—being plain-text files for human consumption—are neither.