
Bug: table parse error on Alpine platform

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I run cmark-gfm in a docker container which builds on a Alpine platform.

when i parse below content with cmark-gfm:

## 范式

|  名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
|`host`| string| server的ip地址,默认```` |
|`port`| string| server的port地址 |
|`limitListener`| int | 最大监听goroutine数量,待支持|
|`slowThreshold`| time | 大于耗时,记录慢日志,待支持|
|`enableTrace`| bool | 是否开启链路,待支持|
|`enableAccess`| bool | 是否开启日志,待支持|
|`enableMetric`| bool | 是否开监控,待支持|

I got below error output:

<p><a href="link">link</a><br />
|  名称 | 类型 | 描述 |<br />
|:–––––––|:—–|:—————––|<br />
|<code>host</code>| string| server的ip地址,默认<code></code> |<br />
|<code>port</code>| string| server的port地址 |<br />
|<code>limitListener</code>| int | 最大监听goroutine数量,待支持|<br />
|<code>slowThreshold</code>| time | 大于耗时,记录慢日志,待支持|<br />
|<code>enableTrace</code>| bool | 是否开启链路,待支持|<br />
|<code>enableAccess</code>| bool | 是否开启日志,待支持|<br />
|<code>enableMetric</code>| bool | 是否开监控,待支持|</p>

As you can see from output, the table do not correctly parsed, my cmark-gfm command:

cmark-gfm --hardbreaks --nobreaks --smart --unsafe -e tasklist -e strikethrough -e autolink -e tagfilter -e footnotes -e table

But, After i remove line breaks between [link](link) and table,it can parse correctly now.

why and how to fix this problem, anybody knows?

why i highlight Alpine platfom, is that on my ubuntu local host, no matter the line breaks existed or not, everything works fine.