Update spec to v0.30
iMrDJAi opened this issue · 2 comments
The latest revision of the GFM spec is based on CommonMark v0.29 released on April 6th, 2019. However, a newer version has been released on June 19th, 2021: CommonMark v0.30.
Please consider updating to match the latest revision of CommonMark.
It looks like that CommonMark v0.30 introduces some breaking changes. There are some tests that are failing: https://github.com/iMrDJAi/cmark-gfm/runs/5643234393?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:289
However, I opened a draft pull request that includes the updated specs. It's not ready to merge until the parser gets updated, and that's out of my scope.
The reason why I'm doing this is to keep the diff between CommonMark and GFM as small as possible since I'm preparing to propose changes to the spec regarding bidirectional text support.