
validate_resources seems overly strict?

ahayworth opened this issue · 0 comments

Description of problem

We've recently started running CI jobs against our puppet repo (this project is wonderful) - and we've noticed that validate_resources seems rather strict. For example, given the following puppetry, octocatalog-diff will complain that the catalog has broken references:

file { "/data/bar":
  ensure => directory,

package { "foo":
  ensure => installed,
  require => File['/data/bar/'],

The difference is the trailing slash in the name. Notably though - puppet itself does not complain when building or applying this catalog. It understands that the directory resource "/data/bar" is the same thing as "/data/bar/".

Platform and version information

  • Your OS: Linux, Debian Jessie
  • Your Ruby version: 2.4.1.p111
  • Your version of Puppet: 4.5.2
  • Your version of octocatalog-diff: 1.5.1

Do the tests pass from a clean checkout?

So far as I know.

Anything else to add that you think will be helpful?

Actually - I'm more asking a question, less asking for a fix: do you believe that this is a worthwhile bug to tackle, given that puppet 5 does resource validation all on its own? If you believe it to be worthwhile and possibly not and endless wild goose chase, I'll spend an afternoon tracking this down.