
Will the results be published regardless of outcome?

techzilla opened this issue · 3 comments

This is a major concern for me, I'd hope that the results are publicly published regardless of if they appear as the researches expected.

Yes! This is an open data project and we'll be publishing the data under an open source license for the open source community and researchers to use. We may hold back some data if there are privacy concerns, but otherwise we plan to release the full data set with accompanying docs on sampling methodology etc.

@franniez can i ask when do you plan to publish the data ? and if you will notify survey participants ?

I just wantto make sure i won't miss it !

@piercus Since the survey is totally anonymous, we don't have a way of notifying participants, but you can sign up for updates at I think we'll be able to release the data in May, but since we're still in data collection it's hard to predict.