
Invalid event parameters when setting a reminder

Closed this issue ยท 16 comments

After signing up and clicking on Add to Calendar -> Google Calendar (under Set a reminder), getting the following error -
screen shot 2017-06-27 at 10 57 39 pm

Trying to fix it.

arku commented

The issue is with the timezone name determined by jstz. If you replace the timezone name(by inspecting the DOM) with Asia/Kolkata, it works fine.

@arun1595 but is this the way how it is supposed to work?

@AnaghSharma @Tikam02 @arun1595 Thanks for the debugging! The issue is that is not creating timezone names in a format that can accept. I'm not sure what the best solution is, here. Any ideas?

@MikeMcQuaid nothing as of now (still a newbie in Web Dev). I tried looking into it but could not come up with anything. Maybe others can help.

Can't we map those wrong values to the correct ones as a temporally solution?

@StanleySathler Yeh, that seems like a good idea. Anyone affected by this: can you chime in with whatever timezone(s) you've been hit with these problems on?

For me, the website doesn't send any data. I tried this on multiple devices with Chrome and got the same result. I also tried Firefox and got a "secure connection failed" message. I then tried changing the timezone to Asia/Kolkata as @arun1595 suggested and the page just went blank.

Browsers: Google Chrome (Android), Google Chrome (Desktop), Firefox (Desktop)
Timezone: America/New York

@davidaylaian That seems to be a different issue.

@MikeMcQuaid I'm not sure what I did, but it works now, so nevermind.

@davidaylaian Thanks for letting me know ๐Ÿ‘

@MikeMcQuaid Here is a list of timezones that google calendar supports along with their offsets.
A lot of them are not supported by jstz

A fix for this would be to add a line below which maps from the jstz timezone names to ones that addtocalendar supports. Please feel free to try and open a PR if you're interested and I can help you with things after that.

@MikeMcQuaid I can make it tonight. ;)

Hi Everyone, @StanleySathler exactly what date format we are looking here...

Closing this as no news in over two years so assuming it's no longer a problem. Shout if you disagree!