
Need a better quality in Persian website

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello GitHub,

We hope the open source Friday campaign to be useful for everyone.

My plan to improve Open Source Friday in Persian:

  • Adding a Persian and open-source font.
  • Keep ?locale=** when switch between pages.
  • Adding rtl direction and modify CSS styles.
  • Adding some words not in locale yml files.

I use here as a share space to work on this subject.

I will inform after any activity at here.

At first, I need permission from administrators.
We can continue? @MikeMcQuaid

Max Base

Hi @BaseMax, you can use the as a guide.

There are also rubygems that handle the rtl conversion? Are you familiar with or other solutions to handle the CSS dynamically?

Thanks @BaseMax, closing this for now as it's not actionable for us but look forward to any PRs.