
User email is not being fetched from the API

Closed this issue · 7 comments

When we authorize the user, we're sending the user:email scope.

I expected to get the user's email back if it's public, but for my user I didn't get an email.

/cc @MikeMcQuaid

Not sure what's going on here I'm afraid. I can get the email for my user. Given we're not using the email particularly internally anyway I guess we could just drop the column altogether.

Given we're not using the email particularly internally anyway I guess we could just drop the column altogether.

We're using it to prepopulate the newsletter field.

i did some research into this a while ago, and i think this is a privacy thing we are doing. Even though we have permissions for this via our Privacy Policy, we don't make it available because #values.

If I come across the issue, i'll link it here, but someone from api/platform should be able to fill in the real details.

@jbjonesjr the strange thing here is that it's my own email. I'm authenticated with an access_token at this point. At least I thought so.

@kytrinyx is your email public?

Removed the email entirely in #74