
Reporting typos in doc: "Building a CLI with a GitHub App"

GruntySoftware opened this issue · 3 comments

Reporting typos in doc: "Building a CLI with a GitHub App"

· Section "Add a help command", step (3)
Reads: "The order of the functions don't matter"
Should read: "The order of the functions do>es<n't matter"

· Section "Add a login command", step (2)
Missing "d" letter in:
"the function prints the response and body an>d< exits the program."

· Section "Add a login command", step (9)
Reads: "The order of the functions don't matter"
Should read: "The order of the functions do>es<n't matter"

· Section "Next steps", subsection "Securely store tokens"
Reads: "you may choose different way to store the token"
Should read: "you may choose different way>s< to store the token"

Sms-activate account verification

This appears to be resolved by github/docs#30938

Josh you're right. I've left my thanks there.