A simple Icinga2 plugin. The plugin allows the values of different sensors to be read.
-id - sensor ID
-s - sensor name (temp1, temp2 ...)
-w - warning threshold
-c - critical threshold
$ tempSense -id 4 -s temp1 -w 65 -c 80
OK sensor Value: 61.75 | Tctl=61.75;65;80
$ tempSense -id 4 -s temp1 -w 65 -c 80 -l CPU_Temp
OK sensor Value: 57.25 | CPU_Temp=57.25;65;80
If unsure about the ID then the sensors can be probed as follows .. code-block:: console
$ for i in `seq 0 10` ; do echo Probing [hwmon$i]; ./tempSense -id $i -s temp1 ; done
- tempSense must be placed in your Icinga plugin directory
- Command definition - see command-plugins.conf
- Host configuration - see host_configuration.conf