
AnsibleFileNotFound: Could not find or access '/etc/cfssl/ca-etcd.pem'

tscolari opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi there,

I've been following your ansible+kubernetes guide and when it's time to run this script I'm getting this error on all hosts:

An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: AnsibleFileNotFound: Could not find or access '/etc/cfssl/ca-etcd.pem'
failed: [] (item=ca-etcd.pem) => {"changed": false, "item": "ca-etcd.pem", "msg": "Could not find or access '/etc/cfssl/ca-etcd.pem'"}

do you have an idea what could be?
my certificates were generated in ~/.k8s/certs using:

k8s_ca_conf_directory: "{{ '~/.k8s/certs' | expanduser }}"

in group_vars/all (and they are there!)

hmmm... That's pretty strange. In my setup I also defined k8s_ca_conf_directory in group_vars/all. And I just updated and tested the role a few days ago. The directory /etc/cfssl/ was used in a earlier version as default value for k8s_ca_conf_directory. Also the task which copies the the certificates to the destination is pretty simple:

- name: Copy certificates
    src: "{{k8s_ca_conf_directory}}/{{item}}"
    dest: "{{etcd_conf_dir}}/{{item}}"
    mode: 0640
    owner: root
    group: root
    - "{{etcd_certificates}}"
    - etcd

So I suspect that somewhere k8s_ca_conf_directory: "/etc/cfssl" is defined in your setup which overrides your setting. Please run fgrep -R "/etc/cfssl" * in your Ansible roles_path directory (or directories) and see if it matches somewhere. If so please remove the entry and try rolling out the role again.

ha interesting, it found this:

fgrep -R "/etc/cfssl" *                                                                                                                                     
githubixx.etcd/ /etc/cfssl
githubixx.etcd/defaults/main.yml:local_cert_dir: /etc/cfssl

I installed it by running ansible-galaxy install githubixx.etcd. I've replaced that with a git clone and it seems to work now. Maybe the ansible-galaxy thing is out of sync with the git repo? I've ran it today for the first time if that matters.

Looks like I've forgotten to tag the latest release correctly and my changes where only im master branch. I've pushed tag r2.0.0_v3.2.13 now to Github and updated Ansible Galaxy. Hopefully this works now. Thanks for reporting!

I have the same problem using the ansible galaxy version. It works if I clone the role from GitHub... It seems the update did not work.

Great... Ansible Galaxy considered the very first version/tag (v1.0.0_r3.0.15) of this role as the latest one. I changed the name schema a quite while ago and it seems that this confused Galaxy. Now it works correctly:

ansible-galaxy install githubixx.etcd
- downloading role 'etcd', owned by githubixx
- downloading role from
- extracting githubixx.etcd to githubixx.etcd
- githubixx.etcd (r4.0.0_v3.2.13) was installed successfully

r4.0.0_v3.2.13 is the latest version ATM. But keep in mind that for K8s v1.9 the latest etcd version supported is v3.1.11! So you should change this. For K8s v1.10 I haven't checked the requirements yet.

Alright thanks, yes I'm using v3.1.11 for now.