
[Feature Request] Ability to specify an alternative header name for authorization

Closed this issue · 4 comments

There is an authorization config option which enables the user to specify the Authorization HTTP header value.

However I am wanting to fetch data from an API that uses a different header name for authorization. It would be great if we could configure an alternative header name to use for authorization where I could put my secret - ${{secrets.NAME_OF_THE_CREATED_SECRET}}.

I am aware of axios_config but I don't believe I can reference secrets in there. Thanks!

I actually think axios_config might work if you pass in the headers property correctly. Could you try it out just to see if it works? If the secret is shown as text I think we can fix that. Something perhaps like:

  "method": "post",
  "headers": {
    // any custom headers

There are a few caveats:

  • url and baseURL will both be ignored, use the http_url key in Flat
  • All function parameters will be ignored (e.g., transformRequest).
  • The response type is always set to responseType: 'stream' in the background.

The relevant link of code is here. Just don't pass anything with the authorization key and your headers will override the Flat ones.

Hi @irealva, I'm aware of the headers option in axios_config. I would use that but I want to avoid putting a visible secret into the json file that it references. It would be great if I could include a reference to a Github secret instead.

It just occurred to me I could create the axios_config json file in the workflow!

- name: 'Create StatsNZ axios config'
  run: |
        echo "{ \"headers\": {  \"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key\": \"$STATSNZ_API_KEY\" } }" > $RUNNER_TEMP/statsnz_axios_config.json

Thanks for your help!

Ah yes sorry that's what I was thinking originally. If the key still shows up in the Action debug workflow let us know! That happened previously with a particular Flat step and we fixed it.