
[FEATURE] Create React components for FAQ

Opened this issue · 7 comments


Create an accordion React component that will work with the API:

Add it to /libraries/react

Make sure it's a publishable component.
In order to test it, add also a storybook to the project.


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@nevo-david the link provided seems invalid.

ID: bom1::pjvn7-1702731190829-1656861fa581

Sorry about that! We have changed the name from meetfaq to crosspublic. You can find it here:

@nevo-david the api seems to private and requires an api-token. What api token does it require?

@nevo-david Which part of the api reference requires an accordion? Can you please elaborate the feature request so that it would be clear for newbies like me? Below is what i've understood from the description,

Currently in the documentation, the available api endpoints are listed for the user in the left panel. The requirement is that all the APIs need to showcased on a single page using an accordion component. Did i get it correctly?


Hi @Neeraj138, I hope this helps

@nevo-david Cool, thanks for the video. Yeah, the issue is much clearer now. I cannot see a react folder in /libraries yet. Is it already created but not pushed yet?