Errors when command creates ignored files but fails
wizeman opened this issue · 0 comments
wizeman commented
This script works as expected:
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
rm -rf .tup cache
cat > Tupfile.lua <<EOF
tup.rule({}, 'mkdir -p cache && echo hi > cache/cache.txt', { '^cache' })
tup init
$ ./
tup repository initialized: .tup/db
[ tup ] [0.004s] Scanning filesystem...
[ tup ] [0.007s] Reading in new environment variables...
[ tup ] [0.011s] Parsing Tupfiles...
0) [0.003s] .
[ ] 100%
[ tup ] [0.020s] No files to delete.
[ tup ] [0.023s] Executing Commands...
0) [0.006s] mkdir -p cache && echo hi > cache/cache.txt
[ ] 100%
[ tup ] [0.033s] Updated.
However, this very similar one doesn't (the only difference between them is the command ends in && false
in the one below):
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
rm -rf .tup cache
cat > Tupfile.lua <<EOF
tup.rule({}, 'mkdir -p cache && echo hi > cache/cache.txt && false', { '^cache' })
tup init
$ ./
.tup repository initialized: .tup/db
[ tup ] [0.005s] Scanning filesystem...
[ tup ] [0.010s] Reading in new environment variables...
[ tup ] [0.014s] Parsing Tupfiles...
0) [0.004s] .
[ ] 100%
[ tup ] [0.023s] No files to delete.
[ tup ] [0.028s] Executing Commands...
[ ] 0%/home/username/tmp/tup/cache/cache.txt: No such file or directory
* 0) mkdir -p cache && echo hi > cache/cache.txt && false
*** tup messages ***
*** Command ID=13 failed with return value 1
tup error: Unable to rename temporary file '.tup/tmp/0' to destination '/home/username/tmp/tup/cache/cache.txt'
[ ] 100%
*** tup: 1 job failed.
Apart from the tup error: Unable to rename temporary file ...
and No such file or directory
errors, there is also a major problem in that the cache/cache.txt
file doesn't get generated as I expected (even though the command failed).
This prevents the cache file from being reused when the command runs the next time (and, in my real-world case, means that the command runs very slowly).