Fillfields not updating when supplied in options attribute in xml form
Closed this issue · 3 comments
lesdekock commented
Branch 15.0
In the js file gplaces_autocomplete.js on line 299 the if statement reads:
if (this.edit === 'edit') {...}
Can not see that this.edit is ever set and is always undefined,
Should this not perhaps be:
if (this.mode === 'edit') {...}
Here is my code from the xml file. I am adding a suburb field to capture the sublocallity.
<xpath expr="//field[@name='street']" position="attributes">
<attribute name="widget">gplaces_address_autocomplete</attribute>
<attribute name="options">{
'lat': 'latitude',
'lng': 'longitude',
'fillfields': {
'street': ['street_number', 'route'],
'street2': ['administrative_area_level_3', 'administrative_area_level_4', 'administrative_area_level_5'],
'suburb': ['sublocality', 'sublocality_level_1'],
'city': ['locality', 'administrative_area_level_2'],
'zip': 'postal_code',
'state_id': 'administrative_area_level_1',
'country_id': 'country',
'address_form': {
'street': 'street',
'street2': 'street2',
'suburb': 'suburb',
'city': 'city',
'zip': 'zip',
'state_id': 'state_id',
'country_id': 'country_id',
'display_name': 'street',
'force_override': true
<attribute name="class">o_address_street</attribute>
gityopie commented
gityopie commented
Hi @lesdekock
I've pushed the fixes
Waiting your feedback on it
gityopie commented
Hi @lesdekock
I will closed this issue
Please do not hesitate to submit a PR when you find a bug or make an improvement
Thanks a lot for your collaboration