
Failed to get image from provider

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[orbital-client warning] file::/qml/Icon.qml:42:9: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://icon/preferences-desktop

Do I need to install some theme and icon?

By default it looks for the oxygen theme, i haven't looked yet into making it fallback to another one. If you don't have it you must currently change the hardcoded default here ( Once you have a configuration file you'll be able to change the theme by editing that.

Huh, thank @giucam I have not installed any DE yet (openbox && qtpanel) ;P I will install oxygen-icons(-svg)

You don't need the svg ones, they'll not be used.

Is there screenshooter key binding?

Yes, win key+print screen.

Thanks ;P

I'm getting the same kind of errors.


I recently discovered
I suggest you use that to set an icon theme, and then export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct.

That fixes the image problems. Thanks!