
Vue.js components for DatoCMS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


MIT MIT Build Status

A set of components and utilities to work faster with DatoCMS in Vue.js environments. Integrates seamlessy with DatoCMS's GraphQL Content Delivery API.

  • Compatible with any data-fetching library (axios, Apollo);
  • Usable both client and server side;
  • Compatible with vanilla Vue, Nuxt.js and pretty much any other Vue-based solution;

Table of Contents



npm install vue-datocms

Progressive/responsive image

<datocms-image> is a Vue component specially designed to work seamlessly with DatoCMS’s responsiveImage GraphQL query that optimizes image loading for your sites.

Out-of-the-box features

  • Offer WebP version of images for browsers that support the format
  • Generate multiple smaller images so smartphones and tablets don’t download desktop-sized images
  • Efficiently lazy load images to speed initial page load and save bandwidth
  • Use either blur-up or background color techniques to show a preview of the image while it loads
  • Hold the image position so your page doesn’t jump while images load


You can register the component globally so it's available in all your apps:

import Vue from "vue";
import { DatocmsImagePlugin } from "vue-datocms";


Or use it locally in any of your components:

import { Image } from "vue-datocms";

export default {
  components: {
    "datocms-image": Image,


  1. Use <datocms-image> it in place of the regular <img /> tag
  2. Write a GraphQL query to your DatoCMS project using the responsiveImage query

The GraphQL query returns multiple thumbnails with optimized compression. The <datocms-image> component automatically sets up the "blur-up" effect as well as lazy loading of images further down the screen.


For a fully working example take a look at our examples directory.

    <div v-if="data">
      <h1>{{ data.blogPost.title }}</h1>
      <datocms-image :data="data.blogPost.cover.responsiveImage" />

import { request } from "./lib/datocms";
import { Image } from "vue-datocms";

const query = gql`
  query {
    blogPost {
      cover {
          imgixParams: { fit: crop, w: 300, h: 300, auto: format }
        ) {
          # HTML5 src/srcset/sizes attributes

          # size information (post-transformations)

          # SEO attributes

          # background color placeholder or...

          # blur-up placeholder, JPEG format, base64-encoded

export default {
  components: {
    "datocms-image": Image,
  data() {
    return {
      data: null,
  async mounted() {
    this.data = await request({ query });


prop type default required description
data ResponsiveImage object The actual response you get from a DatoCMS responsiveImage GraphQL query.
class string null Additional CSS class of root node
root-style CSS properties null Additional CSS rules to add to the root node
picture-class string null Additional CSS class for the inner <picture /> tag
picture-style CSS properties null Additional CSS rules to add to the inner <picture /> tag
fade-in-duration integer 500 Duration (in ms) of the fade-in transition effect upoad image loading
intersection-treshold float 0 Indicate at what percentage of the placeholder visibility the loading of the image should be triggered. A value of 0 means that as soon as even one pixel is visible, the callback will be run. A value of 1.0 means that the threshold isn't considered passed until every pixel is visible.
intersection-tmargin string "0px 0px 0px 0px" Margin around the placeholder. Can have values similar to the CSS margin property (top, right, bottom, left). The values can be percentages. This set of values serves to grow or shrink each side of the placeholder element's bounding box before computing intersections.
lazy-load Boolean true Wheter enable lazy loading or not
explicitWidth Boolean false Wheter the image wrapper should explicitely declare the width of the image or keep it fluid

The ResponsiveImage object

The data prop expects an object with the same shape as the one returned by responsiveImage GraphQL call. It's up to you to make a GraphQL query that will return the properties you need for a specific use of the <datocms-image> component.

  • The minimum required properties for data are: aspectRatio, width, sizes, srcSet and src;
  • alt and title, while not mandatory, are all highly suggested, so remember to use them!
  • You either want to add the webpSrcSet field or specify { auto: format } in your imgixParams, to automatically use WebP images in browsers that support the format;
  • If you provide both the bgColor and base64 property, the latter will take precedence, so just avoiding querying both fields at the same time, it will only make the response bigger 😉

Here's a complete recap of what responsiveImage offers:

property type required description
aspectRatio float The aspect ratio (width/height) of the image
width integer The width of the image
sizes string The HTML5 sizes attribute for the image
srcSet string The HTML5 srcSet attribute for the image
src string The fallback src attribute for the image
webpSrcSet string The HTML5 srcSet attribute for the image in WebP format, for browsers that support the format
alt string Alternate text (alt) for the image
title string Title attribute (title) for the image
bgColor string The background color for the image placeholder
base64 string A base64-encoded thumbnail to offer during image loading

Social share, SEO and Favicon meta tags

Just like the image component, toHead() is a helper specially designed to work seamlessly with DatoCMS’s _seoMetaTags and faviconMetaTags GraphQL queries so that you can handle proper SEO in your pages.

You can use toHead() inside the metaInfo (or head, in Nuxt.js) property of your components, and it will return meta tags as required by the vue-meta package.


toHead() takes an array of Tags in the exact form they're returned by the following DatoCMS GraphQL API queries:

  • _seoMetaTags query on any record, or
  • faviconMetaTags on the global _site object.

You can pass multiple arrays of Tags together and pass them to a single toHead() call.


For a working example take a look at our examples directory.

    <h1 v-if="data">{{ data.page.title }}</h1>

import { request } from "./lib/datocms";
import { toHead } from "vue-datocms";

const query = gql`
  query {
    page: homepage {
      seo: _seoMetaTags {

    site: _site {
      favicon: faviconMetaTags {

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      data: null,
  async mounted() {
    this.data = await request({ query });
  metaInfo() {
    if (!this || !this.data) {
    return toHead(this.data.page.seo, this.data.site.favicon);

Structured text

<datocms-structured-text /> is a Vue component that you can use to render the value contained inside a DatoCMS Structured Text field type.


You can register the component globally so it's available in all your apps:

import Vue from "vue";
import { DatocmsStructuredTextPlugin } from "vue-datocms";


Or use it locally in any of your components:

import { StructuredText } from "vue-datocms";

export default {
  components: {
    "datocms-structured-text": StructuredText,

Basic usage

    <div v-if="data">
      <h1>{{ data.blogPost.title }}</h1>
      <datocms-structured-text :data="{data.blogPost.content}" />
        Final result:
        <h1>Hello <strong>world!</strong></h1>

import { request } from "./lib/datocms";
import { StructuredText } from "vue-datocms";

const query = gql`
  query {
    blogPost {
      content {

export default {
  components: {
    "datocms-structured-text": StructuredText,
  data() {
    return {
      data: null,
  async mounted() {
    this.data = await request({ query });
    // data.blogPost.content ->
    // {
    //   value: {
    //     schema: "dast",
    //     document: {
    //       type: "root",
    //       children: [
    //         {
    //           type: "heading",
    //           level: 1,
    //           children: [
    //             {
    //               type: "span",
    //               value: "Hello ",
    //             },
    //             {
    //               type: "span",
    //               marks: ["strong"],
    //               value: "world!",
    //             },
    //           ],
    //         },
    //       ],
    //     },
    //   },
    // }

Custom renderers

You can also pass custom renderers for special nodes (inline records, record links and blocks) as an optional parameter like so:

    <div v-if="data">
      <h1>{{ data.blogPost.title }}</h1>
        Final result:

        <h1>Welcome onboard <a href="/team/mark-smith">Mark</a></h1>
          So happy to have
          <a href="/team/mark-smith">this awesome humang being</a> in our team!
          alt="Our team at work"

import { request } from "./lib/datocms";
import { StructuredText } from "vue-datocms";

const query = gql`
  query {
    blogPost {
      content {

export default {
  components: {
    "datocms-structured-text": StructuredText,
  data() {
    return {
      data: null,
  methods: {
    renderInlineRecord: ({ record, key, h }) => {
      switch (record.__typename) {
        case "TeamMemberRecord":
          return h(
            { key, attrs: { href: `/team/${record.slug}` } },
          return null;
    renderLinkToRecord: ({ record, children, key, h }) => {
      switch (record.__typename) {
        case "TeamMemberRecord":
          return h(
            { key, attrs: { href: `/team/${record.slug}` } },
          return null;
    renderBlock: ({ record, key, h }) => {
      switch (record.__typename) {
        case "ImageRecord":
          return h("img", {
            attrs: { src: record.image.url, alt: record.image.alt },
          return null;
  async mounted() {
    this.data = await request({ query });
    // data.blogPost.content ->
    // {
    //   value: {
    //     schema: "dast",
    //     document: {
    //       type: "root",
    //       children: [
    //         {
    //           type: "heading",
    //           level: 1,
    //           children: [
    //             { type: "span", value: "Welcome onboard " },
    //             { type: "inlineItem", item: "324321" },
    //           ],
    //         },
    //         {
    //           type: "paragraph",
    //           children: [
    //             { type: "span", value: "So happy to have " },
    //             {
    //               type: "itemLink",
    //               item: "324321",
    //               children: [
    //                 {
    //                   type: "span",
    //                   marks: ["strong"],
    //                   value: "this awesome humang being",
    //                 },
    //               ]
    //             },
    //             { type: "span", value: " in our team!" },
    //           ]
    //         },
    //         { type: "block", item: "1984559" }
    //       ],
    //     },
    //   },
    //   links: [
    //     {
    //       id: "324321",
    //       __typename: "TeamMemberRecord",
    //       firstName: "Mark",
    //       slug: "mark-smith",
    //     },
    //   ],
    //   blocks: [
    //     {
    //       id: "324321",
    //       __typename: "ImageRecord",
    //       image: {
    //         alt: "Our team at work",
    //         url: "https://www.datocms-assets.com/205/1597757278-austin-distel-wd1lrb9oeeo-unsplash.jpg",
    //       },
    //     },
    //   ],
    // }


prop type required description default
data StructuredTextGraphQlResponse | DastNode The actual field value you get from DatoCMS
renderInlineRecord ({ record }) => VNode | null Only required if document contains inlineItem nodes Convert an inlineItem DAST node into React []
renderLinkToRecord ({ record, children }) => VNode | null Only required if document contains itemLink nodes Convert an itemLink DAST node into React null
renderBlock ({ record }) => VNode | null Only required if document contains block nodes Convert a block DAST node into React null
customRules Array<RenderRule> Customize how document is converted in JSX (use renderRule() to generate) null
renderText (text: string, key: string) => VNode | string | null Convert a simple string text into React (text) => text