
Typography preview

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I just started playing with this library, it looks amazing!
Is there away to use custom fonts and have a preview of each font when browsing in the select and when applying it?
Thank you.

Thank you.

If the fonts are already loaded in the page (from css) you can add them to the fonts drop down with

Vvveb.FontsManager.addFontList("theme", "Landing", {
	"Inter": {},
	"Open Sans": {}

If you want to dynamically load the fonts when the user selects it then you need to add a font manager, you can check the one used for google fonts as a starting point.

addFont is called then the user selects a font from the list.
removeFont is called when the font is no longer used so you can remove it from the list.

MyFontsManager = {
	removeFont: function (fontName) {
	addFont: function (fontName) {

Vvveb.FontsManager.addProvider("myfonts", MyFontsManager);

let myFonts = {
	"ABeeZee": {
		"category": "sans-serif",
		"subsets": [
		"variants": {
			"italic": {
				"400": {
			"normal": {
				"400": {
	"Abel": {
		"category": "sans-serif",
		"subsets": [
		"variants": {
			"normal": {
				"400": {

Vvveb.FontsManager.addFontList("myfonts", "My Fonts", myFonts);

Font preview is not implemented as it needs to take into account performace optimizations for large list of fonts.