Setting up a local build question
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Trying to setup a local build to test some modifications and I am having some issues getting eng\Build-Dependencies.ps1
to run successfully. The Error:
git.exe : fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref b4c94da052e881f8cb5044d8e5b88f5ff1f0519f
Line 157
&$git -C $VcpkgDir fetch $VcpkgRepository $VcpkgRevision 2>&1 ...
git.exe : fatal: reference is not a tree: b4c94da052e881f8cb5044d8e5b88f5ff1f0519f
Line 158
&$git -C $VcpkgDir checkout $VcpkgRevision 2>&1 | Out-Host
Failed to check out revision 'b4c94da052e881f8cb5044d8e5b88f5ff1f0519f'
I can provide the full error if needed but that seems like the essentials
I'm not too familiar with building dependencies this way but from googling, seems like it can't find the Vcpkg Revision assigned in line 59. Given my ignorance to how this works, was wondering if you had a suggestion for how to troubleshoot. Seems like it just needs a new Vcpkg Revision id but I wouldn't know where to begin selecting one.
I forgot to push that revision, it should work now.
I'm not too familiar with building dependencies this way
vcpkg is a package manager that contains build scripts for thousands of libraries. They smooth of different build systems used by the libraries, bugs, incompatibilities. Those scripts are managed via git as well. Usually Build-Dependencies.ps1
would reference that repo directly, but since I made a quick fix not available yet I put it into a forked repo. I just forgot to actually push it to GitHub.
Thanks for getting back so fast!
That seemed to fix my first issue but now there's a new error that I'm not sure how to interpret:
Lines 157 and 158 are both mentioning RemoteException
and NativeCommandError
with 158 specifically saying git.exe : HEAD is now at b4c94da05 [outcome] Fix MSVC compiler error in C++20 mode
but the script continues until a seemingly more fatal error occurs:
A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'x86-windows-static-md-noiso.cmake'. At line:1 char:1
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Build-Dependencies.ps1], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Build-Dependencies.ps1
Any ideas?
Looks like you are using PowerShell 5, while the script requires 7.