
collection of my web-based application with supposedly useful function for development

Primary LanguageJavaScript


collection of my web-based application with supposedly useful function for development

Generate geohash block list

  • generate geohash block list from bound selected by user interactive UI
  • can adjust hash digit (accuracy)
  • can manually fill in bound (2 latlng sets as rectagular border) generate-latlng-normal generate-latlng-satellite

Generate latlng on map

  • generate latlng list with latlng, name, and color attribute
  • can be used for data mocking for location map application generate-geohash-normal generate-geohash-satellite

Show map area bound

  • show list of province in thailand
  • can see province bound (fixed pan) on map on selection show-map-area-bound-normal show-map-area-bound-satellite