
Is there a straightforward way to send a message that isn't a reply?

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I'm looking to set up a reminder such that the bot will post a message to a specific channel on a specific server on a schedule.

I see that say needs to be called within the context of build-handler-fn and can't specify a channel directly. I also see that say* looks like it can specify a channel but is private. I tried debugging to check out a message's channel and saw that it only had an id. Could I potentially use that id or just save that entire channel object if I tried to make a say function that worked outside of build-handler-fn?

Is there already a way to do what I'm looking for or maybe there's a better way to go about it?


Thanks again! It was super easy. I was able to store the channel from a message to the bot and then call discord.http/send-message using (:auth (:client my-bot)) where my-bot was the returned value from