error when running tutorial files
harrysunny998 opened this issue · 0 comments
I am trying to run phylosift on virtualbox (ubuntu), but got some error messages.
Can anyone help me with this?
please see below error messages:
harry@ubuntu:~/phylosift_v1.0.1$ ./phylosift all --paired tutorial_data/HMP_1.fastq.gz tutorial_data/HMP_2.fastq.gz
PhyloSift -- Phylogenetic analysis of genomes and metagenomes
(c) 2011, 2012 Aaron Darling and Guillaume Jospin
PhyloSift. A. E. Darling, G. Jospin, E. Lowe, F. A. Matsen, H. M. Bik, J. A. Eisen. Submitted to PeerJ
PhyloSift incorporates several other software packages, please consider also citing the following papers:
pplacer: linear time maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic placement of sequences onto a fixed reference tree.
Frederick A Matsen, Robin B Kodner, and E Virginia Armbrust
BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:538
Adaptive seeds tame genomic sequence comparison.
SM Kielbasa, R Wan, K Sato, P Horton, MC Frith
Genome Research 2011.
Infernal 1.0: Inference of RNA alignments
E. P. Nawrocki, D. L. Kolbe, and S. R. Eddy
Bioinformatics 25:1335-1337 (2009)
Bowtie: Ultrafast and memory-efficient alignment of short DNA sequences to the human genome.
Langmead B, Trapnell C, Pop M, Salzberg SL. Genome Biol 10:R25.
HMMER 3.0 (March 2010);
Copyright (C) 2010 Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).
Phylogenetic Diversity within Seconds.
Bui Quang Minh, Steffen Klaere and Arndt von Haeseler
Syst Biol (2006) 55 (5): 769-773.
rm: cannot remove ‘/home/harry/phylosift_v1.0.1/PS_temp/HMP_1.fastq.gz/blastDir/.aa.1’: No such file or directory