
Rails 5 support

connorshea opened this issue · 8 comments

Will html-pipeline be updated with ActiveSupport 5 and therefore Rails 5 support any time soon?

jch commented

I haven't had time to set up tests with a new gemfile. It shouldn't be difficult though.

Awesome! Rails 5.0.0.beta4 just came out, and allegedly rc1 will be coming in the next few weeks. It'd be great to have support for it :)

@connorshea what sort of issues are you having? I am also running Rails 5.0.0.beta4 and am getting the syntax highlighting and tables don't appear to be working. Not sure if it is me though :/

@jaykilleen Unfortunately because the gemspec requires activesupport < 5 we can't use it without forking the gem and changing that ourselves. We haven't been able to test it with Rails 5 yet because of other gems as well, despite my having spent the last few months trying to update gems >.<

hi there! any news?


@connorshea Please try 2.4.2 on Rails 5, please report if any problem, thank you.

Thank you @JuanitoFatas! We'll try upgrading and report back if there are any problems.