
Inaccurate search results

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi! I’m currently having a problem where inaccurate ranges seem to be returned. Consider this code:

const body = `this is the first line
this is the second line`

console.log(match("second line", body, { withRanges: true }))

Its output is the following:

  match: true,
  ranges: [
    { start: 3, stop: 4 },
    { start: 10, stop: 11 },
    { start: 40, stop: 49 }

However, the range 40-49 is only a part of the string; if you run slice on the body, it returns "cond line".

Is there any reason why a part of what should be a match is getting lost?


@merelinguist Hey 👋 Thanks for raising the issue

This comes from the fuzzy algorithm: it prefers to match first than to wait for all possibilities and pick the best one. This means that second line will not match second line but s will match the s from is and e will match the e line.

Until I add a "full-text search" option which would get all scenarii and pick the best one, there's no way to fix it 👍

Okay, thanks for the feedback 👍