A Random Terrain Generator and renderer, coded from scratch, using only windows.h.
A Graphics project for 5th Sem of BCT at Tribhuvan University
Download the latest release, available now!
- No Graphics Libraries used, everything coded from scratch, using only windows.h (We used glm but only for Simplex random generation so bear with us 😋)
- Perlin Noise used for random surface generation.
- Marching Cubes algorithm used for discretizing the generated surface i.e. creating required triangular mesh.
- The mesh is rendered via coding and projection mapping.
- These concepts have been employed to build a 3D image in this project.
- Phong’s illumination model for realistic lighting
- Gouraud shading for rasterizing mesh
- W,A,S,D - move Up, Left, Down, Right
- I, K - move Forward , Backward
- T,F,G,H,R,Y - move Light Up, Left, Down, Right, Backward, Forward (Suggested to pause the daylight cycle first)
- J, L, U, O - rotate Left, Right, look downward, look upward
- B - generate terrain
- Z - toggle Wireframe
- X - toggle Coloring
- C - toggle Shading (if coloring is on)
- V - pause/play Daylight Cycle