
api tweaks

1wheel opened this issue · 3 comments

Can leave the old functions in while updating the docs and adding new aliases.


I usually do var sel = d3.select('.graph').html() at the start of my render function. d3.conventions({sel}) is cleaner than d3.conventions({parentSel: sel}).


I think dataAppend is easier to teach; the first argument is the data, the second is what you're appending. Or manyAppend?


Not sure this is necessary anymore with ES6. Maybe remove from the examples?

Maybe arrayAppend?

gka commented

how about just appendMany("div", data) ?

gka commented

for a grace period we could add in some code that detects whether the string argument is first or second and console.warn a

DEPRECATED: jetpack's appendMany order of arguments has changed.
It's appendMany("div", data) from now on.