GA for NN incorrect
Closed this issue · 2 comments
"This problem is because the probability of selecting a parent was determined by:
mate_probs = pop_fitness / np.sum(pop_fitness)
This will result in low numbers if pop_fitness is close to 0 and high numbers if pop_fitness is far from zero regardless of sign. Lets say there are 2 people in population with fitness -0.1 (good) and -10 (bad). the mate_probs would be -0.1 / -10.1 = ~0.01 for the good person and -10 / -10.1 or ~0.99 for the bad person. This means we are more likely to mate people with poor fitness...bad! "(taken from a piazza post in a class by the person who found it)
It's corrected in this fork which has basically redesigned/refactored most of the library with additional functionality
specifically in this file
Just to add on, this only occurs due to the negative sign when we are minimizing using GA. Maximizing with GA seems to work fine.