
Add more Social Services Patterns

gkucmierz opened this issue · 8 comments

  • linkedin
  • twitter
  • facebook
  • youtube
  • twitch
  • instagram
  • patreon
  • github
  • medium
  • dribble
  • behance
  • github
  • dev.to
  • keybase.io
  • exercism.io
  • stackoverflow
  • substack

TikTok would be great to have!

That's amazing, thank you for adding TikTok!

Could I also suggest adding Spotify artists (handle would be artist ID)?

That's amazing, thank you for adding TikTok!

Could I also suggest adding Spotify artists (handle would be artist ID)?

I think it is not popular enough to add it in this moment as one of default profiles.

You are still able to add it right in your code, after initialization.

Added VK and Telegram in my PR

New profiles (v1.4.4)

  • telegram
  • vk

Added new profile v1.8.0

  • linktree