
Tmux integration

Closed this issue · 4 comments allows seamless navigation between Kitty windows, tmux panes and (neo)vim buffers. Could you do something similar or add integration?

Nwin is not a custom terminal, it's a true neovim GUI. There's nothing to integrate - every neovim window is its own GUI window which you can navigate to and from using your regular window manager keyboard shortcuts.

Sorry I didn't really think it through. I meant could you support tmux panes along with Neovim buffers and custom terminal emulators/renderers would be nice if possible.?

So you would want a single tmux instance, with one GUI window per tmux pane? This would require re-writing nwin in its entirety, so it's not something I'm interested in (especially since I find tmux redundant - just use Neovim's terminal emulator! :) ).

If this is something you really care about, I imagine that you might be able to implement it yourself by writing a GUI program capable of speaking tmux's protocol. I couldn't find any document detailing this protocol, but you might have better luck either opening an issue in tmux's repository or asking about it on their mailing list

That's actually smart. Thanks for the idea!