
How to SSR signout & redirect to login

splacentino opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Some API call made in getServerSideProps can lead to an invalidation of the authorized user. User should be logout & redirected to login page.

  • Calling AuthUser.signOut has not effect
  • Manual redirection to login page will redirect to application page as there is still a valid authed user.


next-firebase-auth version: 1.0.0-canary.18
Firebase JS SDK: 9.14.0
Next.js: 12.3.1

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Implement page / with a getServerSideProps wrapped in withAuthUserSSR.
  2. Implement page /login with a getServerSideProps wrapped in withAuthUserSSR + content wrapped in withAuthUser (for redirection only).
  3. Log in
  4. Get redirected to /
  5. Unexpected behaviour

Expected behavior
Describing a flow on "how to signOut from server side & redirect to /login page with cleared user".

Debug and error logs
No error logs.

Additional context

Login page (/login):

export const getServerSideProps = withAuthUserSSR({
  whenAuthed: AuthAction.REDIRECT_TO_APP,

export default withAuthUser({
  whenAuthed: AuthAction.REDIRECT_TO_APP,

Main page (/):

  export const getServerSideProps = withAuthUserTokenSSR({
    whenUnauthed: AuthAction.REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN,
  })(async ({ AuthedUser, ...context }) => {
    // Assuming we have an issue that requires to logout
    await AuthedUser.signOut()
    return {
          redirect: {
            statusCode: 301,
            destination: '/login',

Edit (additional question):
How to perform an additional async check on freshly loggedIn user to possibly revoke access ?

      const auth = getAuth(getApp());
      await signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password);
      // From here, code is not performed well as we are redirected according to redirect URL.

I'm not sure how we'd handle this. This library relies on client-side Firebase authentication state as the source of truth for whether a user is authenticated or not. Even if we unset the user's auth cookies, how would we handle the user still being logged in on the client side?

jodik commented

You can redirect to client "logout" page and client will also log out the user

Closing this: this library will continue to rely on the client-side Firebase state as the source of truth for authentication.