
Daily updates - land data

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@jhaigh0 As discussed with Simon, here is our plan for running daily updates:

  1. Outline:
  • we want a single script that will:
    • find the latest cdmlite daily update files
    • attempt to process each file:
      1. Restructure file to PSV under: /work/scratch...
      2. Generate SQL command to load the new file
      3. Execute the SQL command
      4. Remove the input file(s) under: /work/scratch...
  1. Data locations and proposed workflow:
  • data will be found in:
    • /gws/nopw/j04/c3s311a_lot2/data/level2/land/r202102/daily_updates/cdm_lite/
    • In the subdirectory incoming/
  • for each file we process, we will:
    1. Move it to processing/
    2. Attempt to process it (as outlined above)
    3. If any part of the process fails, move it failed/ and log/email result
    4. If it succeeds, move it to complete/ and log/email result
  1. Script details:
  • the script can be bash or python
  • it should be called something like: ./scripts/land/run-daily-update-cdmlite.(py|sh)
  • it will need to use the settings file to get the location of the .../daily_updates/cdm_lite/ directory for a given release.
  1. Once it is all working:
  • we will schedule it to run once per day - probably submitted to a LOTUS node, but kicked off by the cron server.