station_config extract code for daily issue
Closed this issue · 5 comments
I ran the code on the daily CDM_lite output files but it has not compiled information for quite a few stations (see attached file). I have checked a couple of the output files an data exists e.g. cdm_lite_r202208_USS0015J15S.psv.gz so the problem is in the code.
USS0015J15S is in the file you sent me:
USS0015J15S|1|NV Hole-in-Mountain|1981|2022|[55, 44, 85, 53]
Will chat to determine details of what's not in the files (I don't know what to expect for specific example)
Hmm let me check again , might be an issue with separating the .dat file to excel.
There are 122032 entries in that file - does that match the number (approximately) what you're expecting?
its ok sorry the file did'nt speartor properly and some values were lost! Everything is fine with the file now.
raised in error now sorted