
Question about learnbpe

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I have a question about the learnbpe operation. The example in the learn bpecodes together for en and de, and then apply code for en and de separately..

./fast learnbpe 40000 train.en > codes
./fast applybpe codes
./fast applybpe train.en.40000 train.en codes

Here is my question:

  1. What's the purpose of jointly learning bpe cde for en and de? If in the NMT system, which en and de will not share embedding. Is it more reasonable to learn bpe code for en and de separately ?

  2. What's the different between the number 40000 in learnbpe and applybpe ?


  1. Jointly learning the code is mostly useful when you share the embeddings. It's good because it helps the model handling rare words like named entities very easily. Even if you don't share, I would still learn them jointly. At the very least you save GPU memory.

  2. I'm not sure I understand your question. In learnbpe, 40000 is the number of codes you want to learn. In applybpe you don't have to provide 40000, just the codes file.