
Upgrade Subscription on Android doesn't cancel current subscription

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When I use:
const transaction = await Glassfy.purchaseSku({ sku: newSku, , skuToUpgrade: currentSkuToUpgrade });
sku: a new subscription plan
skuToUpgrage: the active subscription

Glassfy creates a new subscription without cancelling the current one. Since I can't use base plans in the play console because I need a product id for each SKU I don't know what to do.




Hello, the Android SDK should indeed automatically cancel the previous subscription.
Your code looks fine, I'll be investigating this and keep you posted!

Sorry it was our fault. 0ur project was created with an old capacitor version. So npm installed the plugin version 1.x

Upgrading to capacitor-plugin-glassfy@2.0.8 fixed the issue.

Ok, thank you for taking the time to let me know!